Hot Spots

How to Best Find and Display Hot Spots Using HTML5 Maps?

If you are considering using a tool to display Hot Spots, you are probably weighing different options for how to convey your information. What options will be most intuitive to users and more importantly, how to best motivate users to visit these locations? Websites and mobile apps offer a wide variety of options depending upon the information being displayed and resources available. See why using HTML Maps maps might be your best consideration. 

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Statistical Heat-Maps vs Spreadhseets for Presenting Data

Whenever data is being stored with an association to a geographic area, there is a long list of advantages to using maps as opposed to traditional spreadsheets. Not only is the visual result more appealing, but the impact of the tendencies in the data is much more pronounced. In this article jQueryMaps outlines some of the advantages to using Statistical Heat-Maps to visualize data, both internally and on a server. 

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10 Examples - Map Solutions for Web Applications

10 Cases when Using a Map was a Great Solution for a Project

There are many situations in which online mapping tools can improve the overall user experience of a website. Over the years at jQueryMaps we have been contacted by businesses of all sizes covering most major industries, and yet every project is unique in its requirements and final deployment. We wanted to provide readers with a quick summary of some of the cases where our maps became central to producing a great solution for a web application.

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